Drinking Yerba Mate is an Obsession
This has been an unusually cold winter for Southern California, so I have been drinking more hot tea for my own comfort. In the mornings, I drink only Indian black teas, such as Darjeeling, Ceylon, and Assam—but at night, I … Continue reading Drinking Yerba Mate is an Obsession

Hygiene of Mate, the Friend Full of Bacteria [The Dos and Don’ts of Mate]
Mate is the most popular infusion within Argentina, and yet nobody has ever accused it of being responsible of an infectious outbreak; nonetheless, specialists give some advice regarding hygiene after each “mateada” (the act of consuming Mate either in a … Continue reading Hygiene of Mate, the Friend Full of Bacteria [The Dos and Don’ts of Mate]

Argentina Will Export Mate to Korea
Original title: A trade union from the Misiones region of Argentina will export Yerba Mate to Korea Trade union, Picada Libertad, will send the first shipment of 12 tons to the Asian country, where it will be consumed as an … Continue reading Argentina Will Export Mate to Korea

Mathienzo: The go-to O.T.G. Yerba Mate Gourd
Mathienzo: Yerba Mate Gourd Country: Argentina First produced: 2012 Colors: 6 Key Facts Materials Polypropylene: Resistant to corrosion and chemical leaching Resilient to most forms of physical damage (freezing, impact) Won’t melt in the dishwasher Recyclable Silicone: Non-toxic Can withstand … Continue reading Mathienzo: The go-to O.T.G. Yerba Mate Gourd

My Virgin Tongue!
Mate joined me on my journey almost 5 years ago when I first travelled to study in Argentina. I stayed for a year and picked up the habit of having a daily mate. My first drinking experience was actually at … Continue reading My Virgin Tongue!

Knives’ Mate Story: Nothing Says Friendship Like Shared Germs
I was sitting in a circle with my friends of Argentina, and at last it was my turn. I was passed the mate, a specially cured gourd, decorated and made attractive on the outside, but filled with yerba mate and … Continue reading Knives’ Mate Story: Nothing Says Friendship Like Shared Germs

A Beginner with a Mature Taste
Last year, my sister went to Argentina and brought back two packages of Mate, three gourds and bombillas, and a Mate history book. I forgot their names, but I loved it all as soon as I tasted it, with the … Continue reading A Beginner with a Mature Taste

Enough Mate to Make a Human Capable of Flight
This picture was taken at a table at our organic design and engineering company, sporting a ridiculously loaded batch that’s basically enough mate to make a human capable of flight. The mini beer stein featured is from Ikea and the … Continue reading Enough Mate to Make a Human Capable of Flight

Herbal Mist Review
Herbal Mist is a company that sells sweetened and diet teas infused with Yerba Mate. They sent me over a few bottles to try out, and I decided to give them a review since some people may be interested in … Continue reading Herbal Mist Review

Jessica’s Story: A Seamstress with a Gift
A friend of mine introduced me to Mate when I was living in Alabama, 5 years ago. I thought of it as a sort of communication ritual when having friends over. I french pressed it a lot in those days … Continue reading Jessica’s Story: A Seamstress with a Gift

Justin’s Story: A Farewell to Anxiety
I am from the UK. I first discovered Mate when I saw a forum post about it on a site I frequented which recommended it as a coffee replacement. I wasn’t really drinking much coffee at the time but I … Continue reading Justin’s Story: A Farewell to Anxiety

Be the Void: I Was Blind to my Entire Life
What’s up people, my name’s Kevron, and this is how mate makes me an intergalactic being… To make these tellings a bit more understandable from my point a view, I will out ahead and say, that I am an addict, … Continue reading Be the Void: I Was Blind to my Entire Life