A Cowboys Brew: The Bitter Sting of Yerba Mate in the Mountains
A Cowboys Brew I stepped out of my truck into the icy mountain air. My silver spurs clinked as my brown Ariat boots hit the frozen dirt. I stood there for a moment and ran my hand around my belt … Continue reading A Cowboys Brew: The Bitter Sting of Yerba Mate in the Mountains

Thoughts on Circle of Drink Yerba Mate
In an effort to further the discussion of Yerba Mate in the States, we’ll regularly offer our thoughts on a few brands large and small, such as Guayaki, ECOTEAS, Circle of Drink, Aviva Yerba Mate, Mate Factor, Matear, YMateina, Yerba … Continue reading Thoughts on Circle of Drink Yerba Mate

Why Drinking Yerba Mate out of Algarrobo Is so Delicious
Drinking Yerba Mate out of Algarrobo Wood You can drink yerba mate out of whatever you want. From a casual mug, a cup, or even a jar. Anything that comes across your mind. However, there are special ‘cups’ (called mates … Continue reading Why Drinking Yerba Mate out of Algarrobo Is so Delicious

Co pijesz? Yerba Mate!
English version – Co pijesz? – Yerba Mate. – Yerba co? I tak to się zaczęło. To moja starsza siostra przyniosła yerbę do domu. I… bądźmy szczerzy – na początku sądziłam, że to jest obrzydliwe. Byłam wtedy wielką wielbicielką wszystkiego, … Continue reading Co pijesz? Yerba Mate!

From Disgust to Delight: Why I Can’t Imagine a Day Without Yerba Mate!
Polish version Yerba Mate. The first step to good health – What are you drinking? – Yerba Mate. – Yerba what? And this is how it begun. It was my older sister who brought yerba home. And…let’s be honest – … Continue reading From Disgust to Delight: Why I Can’t Imagine a Day Without Yerba Mate!

Why Angelenos Need Yerba Mate
Why Angelenos need Yerba Mate “Anything can happen in Los Angeles,” one of my theater student’s mom told me in response to my awe. We had just left her daughter’s orchestra rehearsal, where one of my childhood idols, Gwen Stefani, … Continue reading Why Angelenos Need Yerba Mate

The Real Meaning of Argentinian Mate
The real meaning of Argentinian mate Some people think mate is like tea, juice, or coffee. Like another kind of drink from somewhere else… But it is not that simple. Here in Argentina, and some other countries nearby, Mate is much … Continue reading The Real Meaning of Argentinian Mate

The Legend of Yerba Mate and the Moon (Luna)
Version en Español Mate and Luna* A Guaraní (1) legend has it that, once upon a time, there was a beautiful goddess with long black hair and skin as white as snow, who was so in love with human beings … Continue reading The Legend of Yerba Mate and the Moon (Luna)

Leyenda del Mate y La Luna
English version El mate y la luna* Cuenta una leyenda guaraní que una bella diosa, de larga cabellera negra y rostro blanco como la nieve, estaba tan enamorada de los humanos que se pasaba horas y horas observándolos fascinada desde … Continue reading Leyenda del Mate y La Luna

Hunting & Yerba Mate: A Primordial Ritual
Hunter’s satchel full of Yerba Mate I stepped out of my truck and shut the door behind me. The night was cold and clear. I looked up where I could clearly view the eternally endless depths of the cosmos that … Continue reading Hunting & Yerba Mate: A Primordial Ritual

Abrir La Mente Con Yerba Mate, De a Un Sorbito a La Vez
English version El mate del extranjero Si alguna vez han experimentado la Cultura del Mate como extranjeros, o son Gente de Mate viviendo como extraños en un entorno donde esta bebida es atípica, saben que viajar a lugares distantes o … Continue reading Abrir La Mente Con Yerba Mate, De a Un Sorbito a La Vez

Why I’m Working Hard to Spread Yerba Mate in Italy
Ciao! I’m Yurick. Welcome to Yerba Mate in Italy 101 In 1983, I was born in Ventimiglia; the first seaside Italian town after France in the Northwest of Italy. So, I am 35 years old. I moved to Genoa in … Continue reading Why I’m Working Hard to Spread Yerba Mate in Italy