How Drinking Yerba Mate Changed My Life
Version en español Every sip of Yerba Mate is a new experience Yerba Mate. After taking my first sip of mate during my initial days in Argentina, I immediately felt like it was similar to smoking. “What do you think … Continue reading How Drinking Yerba Mate Changed My Life

How I Enhance My Life’s Output with Yerba Mate
Svensk version A new way of living A couple of years ago, my life changed drastically. Back then, I was working as a neuroscientist, trying to find new ways of improving recovery after brain damage. I’m sure to outsiders, it … Continue reading How I Enhance My Life’s Output with Yerba Mate

Hur jag får ut mer av livet med Yerba Mate
English version Ett nytt sätt att leva För några år sedan förändrades mitt liv drastiskt. Jag arbetade som forskare inom neurovetenskap och försökte hitta nya sätt att förbättra återhämtningen efter hjärnskador. För utomstående kan det kanske låta som ett jobb … Continue reading Hur jag får ut mer av livet med Yerba Mate

The Story Behind Un Mate
Un Mate – exporting culture and good habits My name is Jeremy Kraayenbrink, one of the co-founders of Un Mate. In 2010, my brother Jonathan and I were working for our family’s logistics company in Buenos Aires. By then, we … Continue reading The Story Behind Un Mate

Why Yerba Mate is Nature’s Version of Adderall
The reasons why people drink Yerba Mate are endless. Given that it’s packed with vitamins, minerals, stimulants and antioxidants, some drink it for health. Others drink it because it gives them a reason to get away from the noise of … Continue reading Why Yerba Mate is Nature’s Version of Adderall

Why Yerba Mate Is so Special to Me
Drinking Yerba Mate, what’s the big deal about it?! If there is one thing that identifies Argentinians, it is drinking Yerba Mate. Hello everybody, my name is Nair Tolomeo and I am from Mar del Plata, Argentina, and since I … Continue reading Why Yerba Mate Is so Special to Me

Все, что вам нужно знать о тыкве Yerba Mate чашки: Выращивание, подготовка, легенды
English Version Here Почему я начал делать тыкву Yerba Mate чашки Идея изготовления калабасов пришла спонтанно. Когда я был в гостях у моего друга, он угостил меня yerba mate, мне очень понравилось и я заинтересовался этой культурой. Прочитал книги и … Continue reading Все, что вам нужно знать о тыкве Yerba Mate чашки: Выращивание, подготовка, легенды

Everything You Need to Know About Calabash Yerba Mate Gourds: Growing, curing, preparation, legends
Русская версия здесь Why I started making Calabash Yerba Mate gourds The idea of making calabash Yerba Mate gourds came spontaneously. When I was visiting my friend, he treated me to Yerba Mate, and I really liked it. From that … Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About Calabash Yerba Mate Gourds: Growing, curing, preparation, legends

Why Yerba Mate is My Musical Muse
How my Yerba Mate journey started My Yerba Mate journey all started with a woman named Sofía, the current wife of my brother. We used to often drink mate in the campo my mother had, where we would go on … Continue reading Why Yerba Mate is My Musical Muse

Why I Changed Coffee to Yerba Mate ????
One of the reasons why I wanted to change coffee to something else is that, after you drink coffee you feel a fast boost of energy, but it doesn’t last too long and you eventually need more and more to … Continue reading Why I Changed Coffee to Yerba Mate ????

How Yerba Mate Helped My Pregnancy
Why I started to drink Yerba Mate while pregnant I didn’t become pregnant until later in life. I was 38 and delivered my daughter when I was 39. All the obstetricians I met with gave me warnings about pregnancy at … Continue reading How Yerba Mate Helped My Pregnancy

Top Yerba Mate Dos and Donts
So, you’d like to start drinking Yerba Mate? A perfect choice, if I may say so myself. Yerba Mate comes with a long list of reasons people love it: health benefits, community, tradition, history and more. Many people call the … Continue reading Top Yerba Mate Dos and Donts