5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Drink Yerba Mate
If you’re unfamiliar with Yerba Mate, it’s a member of the holly family native to South America – Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Southern Brazil – whose leaves, when crushed, are used to make a bitter beverage called mate (pronounced mah-tay). … Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Drink Yerba Mate

A Brief Overview of My Deep Yerba Mate Habit
Versão em português The life of a Gaúcho Culture and tradition have always been very present within me. I love being from South Brazil, Latin America, and being both a gaúcho (cowboy) and South American. Wherever I go, I always … Continue reading A Brief Overview of My Deep Yerba Mate Habit

Uma Breve Visão Geral do Meu Hábito Profundo de Yerba Mate
English version A vida de um gaúcho Cultura e tradição sempre estiveram muito presentes dentro de mim. Adoro ser do Sul do Brasil, da América Latina, gaúcho e sul-americano. Levo sempre comigo, onde quer que eu vá, minhas raízes. Para … Continue reading Uma Breve Visão Geral do Meu Hábito Profundo de Yerba Mate

Jak Yerba Mate Wzmocniła Mój Związek Oraz Życie
English version Kultura Yerba Mate w Polsce Hej! Nie zgadniecie co właśnie piję! Mam na imię Malwina. Pochodzę z Polski i mieszkam tu. Niestety, ale w moim kraju Yerba Mate nie jest jeszcze tak popularna. Zatem, wierzcie lub nie, kiedy … Continue reading Jak Yerba Mate Wzmocniła Mój Związek Oraz Życie

How Yerba Mate Strengthened My Relationship and Life
Wersja Polska The culture of Yerba Mate in Poland Hi! Guess what I am drinking right now! My name is Malwina, but call me Maluine. I’m from Poland, and I live here. Unfortunately, in my country, Yerba Mate is not … Continue reading How Yerba Mate Strengthened My Relationship and Life

How Yerba Mate Brings Me into the Present Moment
If people ask me, “Why do you drink mate?” I would immediately answer with, “Because I love it, it powers me up and, best of all, it helps me to create excellent moments. Every single time I start the process … Continue reading How Yerba Mate Brings Me into the Present Moment

Why Pay More for Organic Yerba Mate?
Why pay more for organic Yerba Mate? People often ask us, “Is organic yerba mate really that much better for you? I can pop into a Latin grocery store and get a bag of conventional yerba mate for way less … Continue reading Why Pay More for Organic Yerba Mate?

La Historia Detrás de Solarmate
English version Que es Solarmate? De tamaño similar a un termo (Ver figura 1), Solarmate permite calentar el agua en su interior con energía solar y además permite mantenerla caliente como un termo convencional. De esta manera, el dispositivo combina … Continue reading La Historia Detrás de Solarmate

The Story Behind Solarmate
Version en Español What is Solarmate? Similar in size to a thermos (see figure 1), Solarmate allows you to heat up water using solar energy while maintaining its temperature in the same way a conventional thermos does. In doing this, … Continue reading The Story Behind Solarmate

A Bela Cultura de Erva Mate no Brasil e Além
English version Como Tereré chegou ao Brasil Eu sou do sul do Brasil, da cidade de Maringá, no estado do Paraná, que fica a mais ou menos 420km do Paraguai e para o Tereré é lá que tudo começou. Na … Continue reading A Bela Cultura de Erva Mate no Brasil e Além

The Beautiful Culture of Erva Mate in Brazil & Beyond
Versão em português How tereré got to Brazil I am from the south of Brazil, from the city of Maringá, in the state of Paraná, which is more or less 420km from Paraguay, which, for tereré, is where everything started. … Continue reading The Beautiful Culture of Erva Mate in Brazil & Beyond

The Mennonite Obsession with Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate, “a Mennonite thing” Many people have the impression that Mennonites, like our theological cousins the Amish, live quaint agrarian lives. Some still do. However, if you stroll through Steinbach, Altona, or any of the other Mennonite enclaves on … Continue reading The Mennonite Obsession with Yerba Mate