Mi Historia Personal Con Yerba Mate: De La niñez, a la escuela secundaria a la universidad a la vida
English version ¿Qué puedo decir sobre Mate? Mucho. ¿Qué puedo decir del mate, de la yerba, en relación a mi vida? Mucho… Lo primero es que llegó algo tarde, quiero decir: en mi casa, en donde viví cuando era niño, … Continue reading Mi Historia Personal Con Yerba Mate: De La niñez, a la escuela secundaria a la universidad a la vida

The Story Behind Kraus Yerba Mate
Version en Español Kraus, the story of a Local Producer of a Traditional Argentine Tea that became a World Exporter Immigrants and Farmers The Kraus family comes from immigrants of different European countries that established in Las Misiones, Argentina in … Continue reading The Story Behind Kraus Yerba Mate

La Historia Detrás de Kraus Yerba Mate
English version Kraus, Historia de un Productor Local a Exportador Mundial de la Tradicional bebida Argentina! Inmigrantes y Agricultores La Familia Kraus proviene de inmigrantes de diferentes países de Europa, se podría decir que Francisco Kraus, fue uno de los … Continue reading La Historia Detrás de Kraus Yerba Mate

Version en Español Moments of drinking mate that never finish My name is Patricio López. I am Chilean, from the city of Antofagasta, located in the north of the country; a mining area where yerba mate, some years ago, made … Continue reading ¡THANK YOU, MATE!

English version Momentos de matear que nunca acabaran Mi nombre es Patricio López, soy chileno, de la ciudad de Antofagasta ubicada en el norte del país, zona minera donde la yerba mate hace algunos años trata de abrirse camino por … Continue reading ¡GRACIAS, MATE!

Mate, A Bridge Between Two Cultures
Version in Español From Argentina to France One of the most interesting things about being Argentine and married to a Frenchman is the cultural exchange. The fact of discovering things of all kinds, simple or complex, of the other, of … Continue reading Mate, A Bridge Between Two Cultures

El mate, Un Puente Entre Dos Culturas
English version De Argentina a Francia Una de las cosas más interesantes siendo argentina y casada con un francés es el intercambio cultural. El hecho de descubrir cosas de todo tipo, simples o complejas, del otro, de su país, de … Continue reading El mate, Un Puente Entre Dos Culturas

The Journey of Yerba Mate Part 1: A Hot Sip of Peace in the Beast
The Journey of Yerba Mate Part 1: A Hot Sip of Peace in the Beast The musky smell of the city never goes away. When I first arrived almost a year earlier, the smell was foreign to my senses and … Continue reading The Journey of Yerba Mate Part 1: A Hot Sip of Peace in the Beast

Pouring Culture into My Soul: A Yerba Mate Journey from Argentina to Idaho
Growing up with Yerba Mate in Idaho I don’t remember the first time I had mate. It was surely mate cocido con leche, the tea in a cup that’s more milk and sugar than tea. As a child, I would … Continue reading Pouring Culture into My Soul: A Yerba Mate Journey from Argentina to Idaho

A Alegria de Beber Yerba Mate no Verão
English version Beber Yerba Mate em uma manhã de verão Para quem não é original do sul da América do Sul fica muito difícil compreender como que esse povo toma um mate tão quente e amargo em pleno verão. Não … Continue reading A Alegria de Beber Yerba Mate no Verão

The Joy of Drinking Yerba Mate in the Summer
Versão em português Drinking yerba mate on a summer morning For those who are not native to the south of South America, it is very difficult to understand how these people drink mate so hot and bitter in middle of … Continue reading The Joy of Drinking Yerba Mate in the Summer

Counting Birds, Drinking Yerba Mate & Connecting
Yerba Mate, Birds, and Connection I start every day with a glass, gourd, or can of mate. I used to be a coffee drinker, but being that I have a history of anxiety, coffee and espresso was not good medicine … Continue reading Counting Birds, Drinking Yerba Mate & Connecting