Mikey’s Story: Mate Forever
Well my Mate story starts by hearing about Mate through my father, who had met a dentist that was drinking Mate. My Father asked him about it. The man went onto show my dad his collection of Bombillas and Mates. … Continue reading Mikey’s Story: Mate Forever

Sebastian’s Story: Different towns, villages, and societies
People drink mate for different reasons. I’m drinking mate (in this moment too :) ) because I’m a very inquisitive person. Three years ago I was looking for a gift for my best friend’s birthday, but I had no idea … Continue reading Sebastian’s Story: Different towns, villages, and societies

Newcastle United’s Jonas Gutierrez shares Mate with Colin Young
Jonas Gutierrez drinks his yerba mate tea from South America in his traditional calabash gourd cup from a silver bombilla straw. Mate is the national drink of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, it was first drunk by the indigenous Guarani people and is now a common daily social … Continue reading Newcastle United’s Jonas Gutierrez shares Mate with Colin Young

The Unrivaled Health of Yerba Mate
From: January 3, 2012 This isn’t a chemistry lesson, and I’m not someone with a scientific background (bear with me!), but I’m going to do my best to explain several chemicals, compounds, molecules, and vitamins that are key to Yerba … Continue reading The Unrivaled Health of Yerba Mate

Tania’s Mate Story
Well, I’ve always felt interested in South America. A feeling which has intensified in the last few years. It has always been my dream to emigrate there one day. I relate a lot to this joyful, talkative, crazy and friendly … Continue reading Tania’s Mate Story

Sofia’s Story: The Perfect Drink
I’m 40 years old today and for first time brought my mate in class, audio electronics and synthesis classes… Why? Because people that never saw mate before are disconcerted, confused, and intrigued. So we explain, we show, we share. It … Continue reading Sofia’s Story: The Perfect Drink

Green Gold
Yerba Mate is part of my daily life. It is tricky to distill my experiences with Yerba into mere words, mainly because I have just enjoyed the ride so much so far that I have never tried to do this … Continue reading Green Gold

Angel’s Story
I personally, have been drinking mate for ~ 6 years. I came across mate while learning about the use of herbs in Latin America. My grandparents are/were true Jibaro of Puerto Rico and knew a great deal of plants, which … Continue reading Angel’s Story