People drink mate for different reasons. I’m drinking mate (in this moment too :) ) because I’m a very inquisitive person.
Three years ago I was looking for a gift for my best friend’s birthday, but I had no idea what to get him. He likes tea, so I decided to find something interesting, for him, in Tea shop. Then I saw a banner that said, “Tea, Coffee, Yerba Mate,” and I said, to myself, “What the hell is Yerba Mate?”
The clerk in the shop told me that Mate is Argentinean tea. He also said that given its power, most people in Europe don’t like taste of it. It was a good recommendation for me :) I needed power then, because it was last day of my summer holiday.
I bought Rosamonte cocido, and I read some information about Mate on the web. I was very surprised when I saw forums about Mate. People were gentle, nice to each other, and there was no “trolling”. I then understood that a lot of people drink Mate.
Those who drink Mate have different ages and come from different towns, villages, and societies. But they’ve got one common feature: They are positive people. Next time when I came back from the Tea shop I had got a bombilla and package of Colon in my bag.

Łomża, Poland