No Hay Nada Que La Yerba Mate No Pueda Resolver: Una Historia De Obesidad, Amistad Y Paternidad
English version No hay nada que Yerba Mate no pueda resolver No existe nada que la yerba mate no pueda solucionar, sobre todo si se acompaña de un excelente libro y buen rock. Así lo hago a diario en mis … Continue reading No Hay Nada Que La Yerba Mate No Pueda Resolver: Una Historia De Obesidad, Amistad Y Paternidad

There’s Nothing Yerba Mate Can’t Solve: A Story of Obesity, Friendship and Fatherhood
Version en Español There’s nothing Yerba Mate can’t solve There is nothing that yerba mate can’t solve, especially if accompanied by an excellent book and good rock. I drink it during my working hours in the library, with my future … Continue reading There’s Nothing Yerba Mate Can’t Solve: A Story of Obesity, Friendship and Fatherhood

A Potter’s Journey: How I fell in love with Yerba Mate from Ireland to Idaho
Ireland It began in a roundabout way, while studying in Ireland and drinking Irish Breakfast tea. You might be asking yourself, “what started?” If so, the answer is, “my introduction to tea!” I discovered my love for tea during many … Continue reading A Potter’s Journey: How I fell in love with Yerba Mate from Ireland to Idaho

Two Years of Drinking Yerba Mate Throughout Latin America
Version en Español A life of adventure Hello materos. We are Paula (27) and Martín (28), two young people from Mendoza, Argentina, who decided to leave our life in the city to go out and fulfill our dream of touring … Continue reading Two Years of Drinking Yerba Mate Throughout Latin America

Dos Años de Matear en Toda América Latina
English version Una vida de aventura Hola materos. Somos Paula (27) y Martín (28), dos jóvenes de Mendoza Argentina, que decidimos dejar nuestra vida en la ciudad para salir a cumplir nuestro sueño de recorrer América Latina. Ya van dos … Continue reading Dos Años de Matear en Toda América Latina

Jak Dobre Ziele zmieniło swój mały sklep w duży biznes
English version Początki Dobrego Ziela Jak zmienić hobby w sposób na życie? Jak to zwykle bywa, wszystko zaczęło się od pasji do napoju, jakim jest yerba mate. Dobre Ziele to polski sklep z yerbą, który nie został założony tylko ze … Continue reading Jak Dobre Ziele zmieniło swój mały sklep w duży biznes

The Story Behind Dobre Ziele
Wersja polska The beginning of Dobre Ziele As it often happens, everything began with a big passion for a special drink, yerba mate. Dobre Ziele is a Polish yerba mate store. The shop was not founded simply for profit, it’s … Continue reading The Story Behind Dobre Ziele

Yerba Mate y La Belleza de La Naturaleza
English version Decepción desde el primer sorbo Cuando era niño, lo veía a mi padre calentar el agua, preparar el mate poniendo la yerba, agitándola, y después lo veías tomarlo. Crecí y jamás recibí un mate de parte de él, … Continue reading Yerba Mate y La Belleza de La Naturaleza

Yerba Mate and the Beauty of Nature
Version en Español Disappointment from first sip When I was a child, I saw my father warm the water, prepare the mate by putting the yerba in, the bombilla and then taking a long delicious sip of it. I eventually … Continue reading Yerba Mate and the Beauty of Nature

For Me the Mate Is Not a Thing, It’s a Friend
For me the mate is not a thing, it’s a friend The word ‘mate’ is slang for ‘friend’ in Australia and New Zealand. This is exactly what Yerba Mate also means to me. Let me tell you why. I was … Continue reading For Me the Mate Is Not a Thing, It’s a Friend

The Story Behind Yerba Montana
How I met Yerba Mate It’s been over a decade since my first drink of yerba mate. Freshly back from studying in Argentina, my sister handed me a gourd full of yerba mate. Steaming, full of green stuff, and with … Continue reading The Story Behind Yerba Montana

The Culture, Heritage and Authenticity of Chimarrão in Brazil
Versão em Português The legendary nature of Yerba Mate Chimarrão, the sugar-free beverage prepared in a gourd and sucked through a bombilla, comes from the infusion of yerba mate (ilex paraguariensis). Yerba Mate is a plant native to South American … Continue reading The Culture, Heritage and Authenticity of Chimarrão in Brazil