A Health Coach’s Guide to Drinking a Healthy Mate
Version en Español Yerba Mate, my partner and ally As I sit down to write this article, this is the situation: there is background music, I am in an armchair, I write on the computer and, of course, I … Continue reading A Health Coach’s Guide to Drinking a Healthy Mate

Una Guía del Consultor de Salud Para Beber un Mate Saludable
English version Yerba Mate, mi compañero y aliado Me siento a escribir este artículo y esta es la situación: hay música de fondo, estoy en un sillón, escribo en la computadora y, por supuesto, tengo un mate a mi lado. … Continue reading Una Guía del Consultor de Salud Para Beber un Mate Saludable

How to Travel with Yerba Mate (And Not Make a Mess)
Traveling and yerba mate go together like two peas in a pod, white on rice and any other inseparable pair you can imagine. Some people can’t go on a road trip without preparing a frothy gourd of the bitter nectar … Continue reading How to Travel with Yerba Mate (And Not Make a Mess)

From Argentina to Brazil to Costa Rica: Why Drinking Yerba Mate Is like a Blind Date
Crossing borders, adapting cultures and staying authentic with Yerba Mate My dad introduced me to mate when I was probably around 10. I used to drink it sweet (I was a kid, after all), and my mom loved it, but … Continue reading From Argentina to Brazil to Costa Rica: Why Drinking Yerba Mate Is like a Blind Date

Yerba Mate & El Camino Santiago: A Yerba Mate Journey from Spain to Ireland
Yerba Mate & El Camino Santiago Hello, my name is Eoin. I’m 29 and I live in Ireland. I’ve recently just got back from a 7-week trip to Spain where I did the Camino Santiago. I started in the south … Continue reading Yerba Mate & El Camino Santiago: A Yerba Mate Journey from Spain to Ireland

The Story Behind Materos Mate
Bringing an Ancient Beverage to the New Age Yerba mate has been hitting the health scene in North America over the last few years, though it has been around for much longer than that. For centuries, mate has been a … Continue reading The Story Behind Materos Mate

Experiencing Argentina Through the Wonder Plant of Yerba Mate
Experiencing Argentina through the Wonder Plant For the month of November, I decided to fulfill a lifelong dream of moving to Buenos Aires. The Argentinian culture has mysteriously seduced me into its vibrant capital. Most travellers that I meet only … Continue reading Experiencing Argentina Through the Wonder Plant of Yerba Mate

Drinking out of a Cow’s Hoof? You’re Crazy! A Brief History of My Life with Yerba Mate
New country, same tradition Mate has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Even when they migrated to the United States in the mid-80s, my parents never departed from the tradition. To their luck, … Continue reading Drinking out of a Cow’s Hoof? You’re Crazy! A Brief History of My Life with Yerba Mate

Why We’ll Never Travel Without Yerba Mate
Version en Español Children of Yerba Mate If you are born in Argentina, it’s common that, since you were a kid, about two years old, you’d get to try mate. It’s like a before and after, which allows you to … Continue reading Why We’ll Never Travel Without Yerba Mate

Por Qué Nunca Viajaremos sin Yerba Mate
English version Hijos de Yerba Mate Si naces en Argentina, es comun que, desde chicos, unos dos o tres años, te den para probar mate.. Es como un antes y un despues, como descubrir ese gusto con el que la … Continue reading Por Qué Nunca Viajaremos sin Yerba Mate

Vom Kaffejunkie zum Mategenießer
English version Vom Kaffeejunkie zum Mategenießer Jahrelang war ich abhängig vom Kaffee. Das Wort „abhängig“ hat einen negativen Beigeschmack, aber dieses Wort beschreibt den Zustand am besten. Kaffee ist lecker und macht wach – keine Frage – aber wer oft … Continue reading Vom Kaffejunkie zum Mategenießer

How I Went From a Coffee-Junkie to a Yerba Mate-Connoisseur
Deutsche Version From coffee-junkie to a mate-connoisseur For years I was addicted to coffee. The word “addicted” has a negative connotation, but this word best describes the situation. Coffee is tasty and awakening – there’s no question about that – … Continue reading How I Went From a Coffee-Junkie to a Yerba Mate-Connoisseur