Top 7 Things to Know About Yerba Mate
Ah, Yerba Mate. A drink that has been around for centuries. An experience that families and friends throughout South America – places like Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Southern Brazil – have shared for centuries. And, unfortunately, a beverage, despite being … Continue reading Top 7 Things to Know About Yerba Mate

One Sip to Love: How I Fell in Love with Yerba Mate
I didn’t first encounter Yerba Mate on a backpack holiday, nor in some other spectacular circumstance. It wasn’t through a friend who just returned from a trip, stumbling upon it in a book, seeing someone drink it in a park, … Continue reading One Sip to Love: How I Fell in Love with Yerba Mate

Everything You Need to Know About Palo Santo Yerba Mate Gourds
Why Palo Santo Yerba Mate gourds? Palo Santo (Busera Graveloens) is a type of tree that grows in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and the Brazilian Matto Grosso. It is also known as quebracho, although I seldom hear it called that name. … Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About Palo Santo Yerba Mate Gourds

You Never Forget Your First Sip: My First Experience With Yerba Mate
Travel So how did I become acquainted with Yerba Mate? Well, the story goes back to 2010 and takes place during my first backpacking trip in Argentina. This was actually the first time I had the pleasure of visiting another … Continue reading You Never Forget Your First Sip: My First Experience With Yerba Mate

Tea Cups from Birth to Finish
Stephanie Hillman is an amazing Salt Lake City-based artist who specializes in watercolor and pottery. While we can all appreciate beautiful art, what’s special about Stephanie is that she also makes ceramic Yerba Mate gourds for Tea Leaves & Melody. … Continue reading Tea Cups from Birth to Finish

7 Truths About Yerba Mate
Original Post: http://thejourneyofdave.wordpress.com/2013/06/09/mate/ The ‘Mate’ culture of Argentina It’s 11 o’clock. A chilly winter morning in the northern region of Patagonia. Six Argentinian men are sitting down together after a long morning of hard work on a construction site. They are … Continue reading 7 Truths About Yerba Mate

I Fell in Love with Yerba Mate (in Russian & English)
Меня зовут Лана и я родилась и живу в России, Уфа. Я фотограф и мне 26 лет. О мате я могу рассказать многое. Впервые я попробовала этот напиток в каком-то кафе в нашем городе. Но выпив, осознала,что это не моё! … Continue reading I Fell in Love with Yerba Mate (in Russian & English)

Yerba Mate: A Smorgasbord of Taste from an LDS Mission
My brother introduced me to Mate after he served an LDS mission in Malaga, Spain. Some immigrants from South America had him try some, and immediately he was in love. When he returned, I saw him drinking this strange green … Continue reading Yerba Mate: A Smorgasbord of Taste from an LDS Mission

Mate is Not a Drink [Poem]
Mate is not a drink. Well, yes…it is. It’s a liquid, and it goes right through the mouth. But, it’s not a drink. In this country nobody drinks mate because that person is “thirsty.” It’s more of a habit, like … Continue reading Mate is Not a Drink [Poem]

5 Reasons Why You Should Purchase a Glass Yerba Mate Set
A few weeks ago, I received a glass Yerba Mate gourd and bombilla set from a self-taught glassblower, Derek Dayan. After Derek explained to me why he chose to make this glass set, opposed to drinking out of a traditional … Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Should Purchase a Glass Yerba Mate Set

The first time I tried mate, I remember saying I that I hated it. It was too bitter. I had tried it in the past, only one or two small sips. Being from Argentina, seeing people with a mate gourd … Continue reading Yerba Mate: MORE THAN A DRINK

One of my morning routines is yerba mate or “drinking mate.” Have you heard of it or had it? Mate is a drink from South America. I grew up with yerba mate. My father is from Argentina and every morning he … Continue reading DAILY ROUTINE. YERBA MATE.