Cultura, Património e Autenticidade de Chimarrão no Brasil
English version A natureza lendária de Yerba Mate Chimarrão é o mate cevado sem açúcar, preparado em uma cuia e sorvido através de uma bomba, é a bebida proveniente da infusão da erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis), planta nativa das matas sul-americanas, … Continue reading Cultura, Património e Autenticidade de Chimarrão no Brasil

Happiness Is Real Only When Shared: How Yerba Mate Changed My Life
My journey through the world of Yerba Mate “Here, try this” – I remember a friend of mine saying this while he was passing me some strange wooden-like cup, filled up with some dried green thing and a bamboo straw … Continue reading Happiness Is Real Only When Shared: How Yerba Mate Changed My Life

Thoughts on ECOTEAS Yerba Mate
In an effort to further the discussion of Yerba Mate in the States, we’ll regularly offer our thoughts on a few brands large and small, such as Guayaki, ECOTEAS, Circle of Drink, Aviva Yerba Mate, Mate Factor, Matear, YMateina, Yerba … Continue reading Thoughts on ECOTEAS Yerba Mate

Give Me a Mate and Let’s Give the World a Turn
Version en Español Traveling around the world with El Mate The story I intend to tell begins at night in an airport while I waited to board a plane on March 14, 2016. It also end at night, 20 months … Continue reading Give Me a Mate and Let’s Give the World a Turn

Dame Un Mate Y Vamos a Darle Una Vuelta Al Mundo
English version Viajando por el mundo con El Mate La historia que pretendo contar empieza de noche, en un aeropuerto, mientras espero que se haga la hora de tomar un avión, el 14 de marzo de 2016. Y termina también … Continue reading Dame Un Mate Y Vamos a Darle Una Vuelta Al Mundo

What Your Mate (drinking vessel) Says About You
Gourds. Ceramic cups. Silicone. Vidrio. Palo Santo. Fruits. Metal-wrapped. Leather-wrapped. Bullhorns. Cow feet. Stainless steel. The types of mates, or drinking vessels for consuming the drink that’s more than a drink, also known as mate, are plenty. And, each type … Continue reading What Your Mate (drinking vessel) Says About You

Mil Mundos de Mate
English version El calor de Asunción Al primero le dije que sí por curiosidad, pero la segunda vez que me ofrecieron tomar un trago de tereré se me escapó una mirada despectiva que dejaba más que clara mi opinión. El … Continue reading Mil Mundos de Mate

A Thousand Worlds of Yerba Mate
Version en Español The heat of Asunción To the first, I said yes, out of curiosity, but the second time they offered me a drink of tereré, a disparaging glance escaped me, leaving my opinion more than clear. The heat … Continue reading A Thousand Worlds of Yerba Mate

Pourquoi Le Mate Est Le Meilleur Compagnon de Road trip
English version Premiers contacts J’ai découvert le Mate l’année dernière quand ma copine, Maia, qui est Argentine, m’a fait goûter. Pour être très honnête, la première fois, je n’ai pas trop aimé le goût. Pour l’anecdote, Maia ne savait pas … Continue reading Pourquoi Le Mate Est Le Meilleur Compagnon de Road trip

Why Yerba Mate Is the Best Drink for Road Trips
Version Française First contact with Yerba Mate I discovered Yerba Mate last year when my Argentinian girlfriend offered me to taste it. To be honest, I didn’t like it very much. But, for the record, my girlfriend isn’t too skilled … Continue reading Why Yerba Mate Is the Best Drink for Road Trips

The Absolute Best Things About Yerba Mate: A Story from Argentina to Miami
Version en Español Mate is much more than a drink Mate is much more than a drink. For me, mate has always been connected to friendship. It’s shared with friends and it witnesses stories, talks, whether it is with music … Continue reading The Absolute Best Things About Yerba Mate: A Story from Argentina to Miami

Las Mejores Cosas Absolutas Sobre La Yerba Mate: Una Historia Desde Argentina Hasta Miami
English version Mate es mucho más que una bebida El mate es mucho más que una bebida. Para mi mate es sinónimo de amistad. El mate se comparte con amigos y es testigo de historias, charlas, con música de fondo … Continue reading Las Mejores Cosas Absolutas Sobre La Yerba Mate: Una Historia Desde Argentina Hasta Miami